
Tour “Food Bazaar Mount Vernon” NY


Remember when Food Bazaar Mount Vernon was the only chain that would go into low-income neighborhoods? This is the Mount Vernon, NY Pathmark. The store opened in 1990 and was a great success over nearby competitors due to its size.

The store measures over 60,000 square feet and is huge for its size. Foodtown and Western Beef are likely to be larger than the store’s 30-40,000-square-foot limit, while C-Town occupies more than 15,000 square feet. Food Bazaar Mount Vernon opened shortly after Pathmark closed in 2012. Food Bazaar underwent a major remodel after the store opened. More details will follow. At least from the way I entered, the approach is impressive. Mount Vernon is an urban area with low income. Third Street is one of the main streets through town. It is narrow and very busy.

  • It opens slightly to the right at the corner of Third Avenue. The Food Bazaar sign can be seen.
  • You will enter Bogopa Plaza (formerly Pathmark Plaza) by taking a left at the traffic light. You will be taken directly to the store.
  • Gee, I wonder what Pathmark’s architects meant by that layout. The street views are, as usual, from Google Maps.
  • This store does a great job. It was packed on Saturday night, just before dinner.

“Bogopa”, the Korean word for yearning, is also the name of the corporation which owns Food Bazaar Mount Vernon.

Layout Food Bazaar Mount Vernon

  • The layout of this store as a Pathmark Super Center was the standard Pathmark Super Center design.
  • (This diagram is my own, based on what I know about other Pathmark Super Centers. If I am wrong, please correct me.
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Food Bazaar Mount Vernon moved into the building with very little renovation, other than a new paint job. There were also some layout and design changes. The conversion of HABA to an ethnic food department was crucial.

This diagram is not 100% accurate. This diagram is intended to give an idea of the overall concept. Food bazaar started a major renovation about a year after it opened. All of the service departments were moved and the produce section was relocated. I’ve changed the “before” layout to make it easier for you to see.

Food Bazaar may have used some of the backroom space to house the bakery/deli/hot-food area. They’ve also added an independently-operated pharmacy into the front corner. Courtesy has been moved to the grocery aisles and is now back where it belongs.

You will make a left into the produce section after you have entered. This is the view towards the back wall, with the grocery aisles to my left. This is an amazing example of intricate decor! Food Bazaar Mount Vernon may have added managers’ offices above this produce section to explain the low ceiling.